treadway08 MemoryGame By treadway08

UML model

* When the program is run, the player will be shown a title screen. * When the player presses enter, the game will begin. the player will be shown 8 cards (4 columns, 2 rows) * After 10 seconds, these cards will flip over. * The player will then be prompted to match the cards as best as they can. * If 2 cards clicked are a match, they disappear, and the player can keep playing. * If not, the player loses. * If they win, the words "You Win!" will be displayed. If they lose, text will also appear. * After the you win, or you lose text, the game will then ask the player if they would like to play again. * A yes or no button will be presented at this point. * Yes, the game will reset. * No, the program will close.

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2 diagrams