BPMN Online Examples
Browse BPMN model examples made by the GenMyModel community. All the public following examples can be forked and adapted to your needs.
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This BPMN collaboration diagram describes a recruitment process. Good recruitment is important to ensure having the skill sets your company needs. This process must be correctly planned and refined. This BPMN example is an design example of such a process. Feel free to clone this project to make any modification.
IT help desk model
This BPMN diagram describes an IT help desk process for managing support tickets. It describes the different activities in the processes between Employees, General Support and a more advanced support. It also describes basic flows for scheduling onsite visits and for getting feedback from Employees.
This process describes the simple bank account application decision process. The "decide routing" task is a business rule task having its own decision requirement diagram. This designed process is extracted from the OMG DMN specification available at http://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.0/Beta2
The BPMN Pizza Store is a classic BPMN example. It includes most of the features commonly involved in a BPMN2 model. You can use it to understand all the basic concepts used in BPMN.
Very simple example of (bank) account validation using a BPMN task and a decision requirements diagram. This example is extracted from Wikipedia page related to DMN: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_Model_and_Notation
This collaboration diagram comes from BPMN specification and illustres how groups can be used. Groups are often used to highlight certain sections of a Diagram without adding additional constraints for as a sub-Process would. The highlighted (grouped) section of the diagram can be separated for reporting and analysis purposes. Groups do not affect the flow of the process. Source: http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/PDF