UML Online Examples

Browse interesting UML diagram examples made by the GenMyModel community. All the public following examples can be forked and adapted to your needs.

You can select any of those examples to bootstrap your UML online project quickly with no installation or delay. Once forked, add collaborators to work in real time on your diagrams directly right in the browser.

Library Management System

Use case describing some cases that can happen in a Library Management System.


This UML State Machine describe the lifecycle of a Seminar.


Classes, operations, attributes : learn the basics of the UML class diagram. Useful example to get started quickly with UML class diagrams


This UML example model use both a Class Diagram and a Sequence Diagram to describe the hierarchy and the ordering process in a restaurant.


A really simple example of sequence diagram, with just two method calls


A simple Singleton design pattern represented as a Class in a UML Class diagram.

Machine model

This model of a computer demonstrates the use of the following design patterns: composite pattern, adapter pattern, proxy pattern, facade pattern and decorator pattern.


This project shows a basic skeleton for a social oriented application

UML Public Examples by the GenMyModel Community